Monday 13 June 2016

It’s in the little things…

WHILE I stood in line to be served at a money transfer company the other day, a woman walked towards me to ask whether or not the company had money to give receiving clients.
But before she did, I’d already smelt her presence – a strong scent resembling that of Bint El Sudan stung my nostrils.
Intuitively, I had turned around, and here was a woman in a white string top, a denim skirt and white flats.

She had braids worn in a neat bun.  Her face was freshly powdered, she could’ve been coming from home, I quickly assumed.
And then she stood akimbo after I’d told her the company had run out of cash.
Boy was I repulsed!
She had exposed her unshaved armpits as she stood akimbo.  It was like an un-mowed lawn!

And she wouldn’t stop talking about the cash crisis and how she had failed, for days, to withdraw money.
She went on and on while I silently wished she’d stand at ease and spare me the sight of her unkempt underarms.
The hairs drenched in sweat and assumedly roll on of some sort looked absolutely appalling.
But the polite me kept listening until I realised she thought she had found herself a queuing buddy.

I decided to bring to her attention the fact that she had to join the back of the line if she needed to be served.
Of course I wasn’t catching feelings about her trying to skip the line by distracting me with small talk; I just couldn’t stand her very hairy armpits.
Of course I couldn’t tell her her armpits were repulsive – how do you tell a human being such a thing?
It’s like trying to tell them their breathe stinks. The least you can do is offer a mint and hope they don’t decline.

I wish more people would realise that keeping your underarms clean and shaven is an essential part of ensuring that your fragrance works brilliantly.
Hairs retain moisture and a mixture of your sweat and roll on is one nasty combination.
Imagine the smell of sweat mixed with a deodorant competing with your fragrance. It would be one terrorising scent.

Keeping your underarms shaven helps keep them moisture free. The hairs retain odours and in most instances residual sweat.
When they’re clean shaven, they’ll be easier to wash and enabling for your deodorant.
When your deodorant does its job – keeping your underarms smelling fresh – your fragrance will also thrive.

After all, you’ve paid your hard earned cash for it, it better work!
Smelling fresh is an essential part of looking good.
You know what they say about a black spot on a white piece of fabric? It taints the whiteness, even though it’s just one small black spot.
Body odours are distracting and shift the focus from how good you look to how badly you smell.

It’s like smudged lipstick, it taints the whole face. People will forget that your eyebrows are on fleek and your skin is flawless and concentrate on the smudged lipstick.
Same applies to make-up which is poorly applied. Overlapping edges and the wrong shade of concealer or foundation just look like dirt.

Another turn off is a visible panty line. Try by all means to maximise on seamless underwear and create a flawless look.
Nothing is as distracting as visible panty lines running from underneath your fabrics.
An equal worst is wearing a regular bra with a string top or a boob tube. How about investing in the right type of underwear? One strapless bra will come in handy when you need it the most.

Remember, they’ll be some warm winter days – pay close attention to your personal hygiene.  

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